“Discover How You Can Easily Get Rid Of Silverfish in Less Than 1 Week and Never See One in Your Home Again”

Ways To Kill Silverfish

Silverfish are annoying but also extremely creepy! There is no way that you could live in harmony with them. When it comes down to it, it's either you or the silverfish. Only one can survive! So, what are the best ways to kill silverfish?

Option 1 - Crush

This is probably the worst of all the options. I know this from personal experience and I bet you do too.

Squishing something like a fly against the wall is generally not too bad. Do this with a silverfish and you will spill the vast contents of its insides all over your wall. They contain a surprisingly high amount of liquid, have you noticed?

Most walls, whether covered with paint or wallpaper, are actually not completely flat. The problem is that even if you wipe away the residue, some will always remain.

What is more, killing silverfish this way is actually quite difficult. Have you ever noticed how quickly they squirm and run away?

Option 2 - Death By Sugar

I once spilled some highly concentrated "cassis" - it's a European name for the concentrated liquid you mix with water to make a drink, also known elsewhere as cordial or squash.

The next morning I noticed that a number of silverfish had headed straight for this sweet mixture and ended up drowning in their own mess. Silverfish also find it hard to climb out of sinks due to the slippery walls.

So one idea is to pour a little of this mixture or something similar into the bottom of your sink. Silverfish from all around will flock to your sink overnight and probably drown. Even if they don't drown, you can just turn the tap on and get rid of them quickly that way.

Option 3 - Vacuum

Many people don't like to get anywhere near bugs in order to kill them. A better option in this case is the vacuum cleaner.

If you spot a silverfish scurrying along the floor then you need to be quick to get him. Otherwise, vacuum cleaners are really good for getting rid of many more silverfish and not just the ones you see that come out into the open.

Most silverfish live in the cracks of walls and other dark and damp places. They only come out if they have to find food. I highly suggest that you thrust the vacuum cleaner on its highest suction setting and apply it to all the cracks, nooks and crannies in your home. Then, make sure to block these up to prevent any more silverfish from getting out.

You can kill them but they'll just come back. Discover the only way to get rid of silverfish, and in less than one week too! Click here to discover the extermination secret.

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