“Discover How You Can Easily Get Rid Of Silverfish in Less Than 1 Week and Never See One in Your Home Again”

Boric Acid For Silverfish

Boric acid is one of the many available chemicals (and one of the most effective) that can be used against insects and especially silverfish. Although it is found in many forms, including living ones, it is generally not considered to be a "natural product".

Properties - Dessicant

Boric acid's main action against silverfish is as a dessicant. This means that it kills them by absorbing all the moisture out of the insect's body. Without moisture, the silverfish cannot survive and quickly dies.

Properties - Poison

Boric acid's main advantage is as a dessicant. But it is also an effective poison. It can even kill humans but must be eaten in huge quantities - hence it is considered safe for home use.

But if a silverfish eats boric acid then it will quickly die. This is the basis of some types of silverfish traps - they are made entirely of cardboard that is saturated in boric acid. Silverfish see the cardboard as food (carbohydrates are the mainstay of their diet) and they eat it, oblivious to the fact that it will kill them.

Properties - Abrasive

Boric acid powder is also highly abrasive. Insects including silverfish will often avoid it and those that attempt to travel through it can die due to the abrasive nature of the powder on their exoskeletons.

This is one reason why it is useful to throw boric acid powder into cracks and crevices where silverfish live. It will not only stop them from getting past the powder but it will also kill them if they try.

Natural Alternatives To Boric Acid

Boric acid is only lethal in large amounts. Amounts that are used against insects are also safe. However, if you have pets or small children then you might want to choose something safer.

Alternative Choice #1 - Powder

You can obtain powders that do not contain boric acid. They are not poisonous but they do have dessicant properties. They may be labelled or referred to as "botanical insect powders" because they are derived from plant oils.

Alternative Choice #1 - Traps

An alternative to boric acid traps are simple sticky insect traps but they are not considered as effective when used to target silverfish.

You can also make your own homemade trap by taking a glass jar (silverfish cannot climb smooth surfaces) and wrapping it in masking tape (giving the silverfish somethng to grip on). Put some carbohydrate type bait in the jar and then leave out. The silverfish won't die but they will be trapped and you can dispose of them as you see fit.

Forget boric acid - discover the natural solution guaranteed to get rid of silverfish in less than one week. Click here to get it now.

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