“Discover How You Can Easily Get Rid Of Silverfish in Less Than 1 Week and Never See One in Your Home Again”

Dekko Silverfish Paks

Dekko silverfish paks, sometimes referred to as Dekko silverfish packs or traps, are one of the best ways to lure and kill silverfish.

Adhesive Type Trap

Most insect traps are nothing more than cardboard and adhesive i.e. strong glue. Adhesive traps work by luring a pest and restricting its movements. Stuck in the trap, the entire piece can be thrown away hygienically.

These types of trap are nothing new and have been around for many decades. They are used to trap other insects such as cockroaches and even larger pests such as mice.

Boric Acid

Dekko silverfish paks are different. They contain a chemical known as boric acid. Boric acid is highly versatile and one of its many uses is an a powerful insecticide.

Boric acid, like most other insecticides, kills insects thanks to its dessicant abilities. This means that it naturally draws water out of things that it comes into contact with. Insects, especially silverfish, literally die when the moisture is sucked out of them in this way.

This makes Dekko silverfish paks especially effective. Boric acid will also kill the silverfish and guarantee that they cannot cause any further damage. Silverfish will find the paks and think it is their lucky day to find such a huge source of carbohydrates. Little do they know that they will die while eating them.

Sanitary and Safe For Home Use

Boric acid is approved as an insecticide for home use. Although you are unlikely to come to any harm from touching used traps or dead silverfish directly, I recommend you wear gloves or wash your hands immediately after.

Natural Alternatives

Boric acid is considered safe as an insecticide. It is even used as an antiseptic. However, I personally do not think you should use these traps if you have pets or small children. While it takes a huge dose of boric acid to kill a person (tens to hundreds of kilograms), long term exposure to lower levels may be harmful so I do not recommend using these traps if you think they may be accidentally eaten or played with.

Adhesive traps are one alternative but nowhere near as good. However, you can purchase a botanical insect powder. These are safe because they are derived from plant material. You can put this powder in an around cracks where silverfish appear from. They will avoid the powder because contact with it will draw out their moisture and kill them quickly.

Boric acid traps are great but did you know you can get rid of silverfish naturally and easily in less than one week? Click here to discover how.

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