“Discover How You Can Easily Get Rid Of Silverfish in Less Than 1 Week and Never See One in Your Home Again”

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Silverfish

If you have a major silverfish problem then one way to get rid of it is to use chemical insecticides like boric acid. However, you may prefer to get rid of these pests using natural means only. Here are some ways that you can do that.

Plant Based Insecticide

You can buy botanical insect powder that is a highly effective insecticide. This powder works on most insects and not just silverfish. That is because insects need to keep moist - ants stay out of the intense midday sun for this reason.

When a silverfish makes contact with the powder then the powder sucks up all their moisture and they quickly die. You can use this powder not only to kill silverfish but also to keep them from encroaching into your living space. A good way to do this is to squirt it into cracks and crevices.

As the powder is derived from plant material, it has none of the dangerous characteristics of chemical insecticides.

Diatomaceous Earth

This is a light powder derived from a type of rock. It works in a very similar way to botanical insect powder i.e. it draws moisture out of the insect and causes it to dehydrate quickly.

Eliminate Moisture

Silverfish only hang around a home that is plentiful in moisture. Keeping your home dry is one way to drive them out.

First, you need to make sure that you do not have any leaks. Are all your silverfish coming from one corner of the room or house? Might there be a leak there?

Secondly, if your house is normally damp then you might want to consider investing in a dehumidifier. This will extract water from the air and any moist areas of the house

Eliminate Food Sources

Silverfish live on carbohydrates. They don't need to eat often though - they can go a full year without eating anything at all! This makes it especially important to make sure that they don't have anything to feed on.

Check your walls for peeled back wallpaper. This is a rich source of food for silverfish. Keep any type of paper out of sight. Clean up any crumbs after eating and keep your kitchen extremely clean. This includes spilled liquids, especially sauces and other sticky or sweet liquids. While silverfish will probably die when they come into contact with such large amounts of moisture, you are only helping them walk over your otherwise sanitary surfaces which is never a good thing.

Silverfish making your life hell? Natural is the only way - anything else is too much of a risk. Get the 100% guaranteed natural solution to get rid of silverfish in just one week: click here.

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